Location and travel directions

When you arrive in Holland with a ferry you can cross the border via Venlo or Heerlen. You must follow the directions:

Keulen – Frankfurt – Neurenberg – Regensburg – Passau – Linz – Graz. Between Linz and Graz you will pass a number of tunnels. The highway will continue all the way to Hinterstoder. After the exit, it’s only another 9 km. before you reach the village. Haus Bergblick is located just outside the village. You must follow the road through the village and you see Haus Bergblick towards the valley after 5 km. on the left side of the road.

More travel directions starting at other locations are in preparation.

You need a "vignet" in Austria.

Route planner (typ in Hinterstoder Oostenrijk or click on one of the images below

Saskia en Erwin Högl-Gerritsen - Hinterberg 38 - 4573 Hinterstoder - Ober-Österreich

Telefoon 0043-(0)7564-54886 - hinterstoder.bergblick@gmail.com

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